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Image by Jordan Madrid


Navigating the Journey Together

Are you responsible for everything in the "background"?

Do you try to "manage all the details" along with fielding all the questions each week?

Whether you are the Lead Pastor wearing all the hats OR the administrator [paid or volunteer] who is responsible for all the details, this is where you can find the answer to the challenging question you have almost every day!

What's is the question..."Where can I find someone who understands all this and can help me NOW?"



From identifying opportunities to strengthen operational efficiencies to providing fractional administrative leadership and support each month delivering ultra-efficient work processes, FIFTEEN-TWENTY TWO CONSULTING is ready to serve with your team to accomplish your vision with clarity!

We deliver services that transform the way you support your mission. Contact us today to learn how we can serve you.

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Efficiency    /    Effectiveness    /    Scalability

FIFTEEN-TWENTY TWO CONSULTING exists to identify every opportunity that will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your financial and operational team allowing for the greatest potential of overall ministry success to be attained consistently as lives are connected and transformed by the Gospel!

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Identify the Opportunities

If you say every month, "I know we need to do things differently! I just don't know where to start!"

"I trust my team, but how do we know if we are doing everything properly to protect our church and those we serve?"

We can help you answer these questions. We examine how your organization is operating and the practices that are in place. We review the corporate and financial reports and transactions. This assessment reviews the corporate documents, policy/procedures and internal controls. We apply 55 separate questions to gain an accurate view of the current environment. This will provide you with valuable insight and identify key opportunities. [Click here to see a Sample Assessment Report.] Learn more about how this service can help you.


Achieving Results Together

You may know your current condition and you know where you desire to be down the road, but you are not sure how to bridge that gap. Or what it will take to get there!

There is no one-size fits all approach and cookie cutters stay in the kitchen! We will work with you to identify key opportunities by leveraging the strengths of your environment to connect people with the Kingdom! Your team will benefit greatly by applying effective and efficient processes at key operational intervals.

At FIFTEEN-TWENTY TWO CONSULTING, we combine our insights and skills to help you lead and steward the time, talents and treasures your team has been given to shepherd!

Working Together


Monthly Support for Your Team

Looking for administrative leadership or support but adding another full-time person is not possible? Do you need to free up your time to focus on other important areas of ministry, but your staff needs direction and help to grow as your ministry grows?

Let us help you! We can provide assistance from accounting support to Executive leadership every month on a "fractional" basis that is affordable. Contact us today and learn how we can come alongside you and your team!

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We want to see that every ministry operates at the highest level to serve and transform its community.
Contact us to discuss how we can serve your church!

1040 Catskill Dr. Providence Village, TX 76227


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©2021 by FIFTEEN-TWENTY TWO CONSULTING, LLC.    All Rights Reserved
Providence Village, Texas, USA

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